"The purpose of the Rockwell Collins Retirees Association is to provide an organization and meeting place for the member retirees and their families, where they can find/renew companionship developed over their careers at Rockwell Collins and opportunities to pursue their interests in recreational activities, crafts, education and activities to promote the welfare of the community".

The Rockwell Collins Retirees Association is primarily a group of Rockwell Collins retirees local to the Dallas, TX area. However, we welcome retirees, local to the Dallas, TX area, who have worked directly for Rockwell Collins or one of the affiliated organization that were part of the Rockwell International group or spin-offs from that group.

Membership is free but donations are occasionally requested to offset the operating costs.

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Provide the category applicable to your membership (Assist Leadership team in properly contacting you)
Provide the organization you retired from
Enter the year in the form of 4 #'s (YYYY)
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